Tuesday, July 14, 2015

For the Canadian Team, Tuesday is a relatively quiet day in the busy Bisley schedule. The first stage of the St. George's is fired in the morning. In the afternoon. there are inter-Counties and other team matches in which we are not involved.

At lunch-time today, Serge Bissonnette was in the tie-shoot for yesterday's Times at 300 yards. The shoot-off went on for quite a while with John Warburton, Huddersfield RC, winning over Steve Thomas, Central Bankers, on the ninth extra shot.

In the St. George's I, there is a tie between Jim Paton  and A.W. Gill of the Army Target Shooting Club, both scoring the perfect 75.15. The cut-off for the Second Stage was quite high at 74.4. Canadians advancing are: 38 Dan Chisholm 75.12; 126 Scott Murray 75.6; 159 Serge Bissonnette 74.12; 200 Roger Mullin 74.10; 288 Renee Paquette 74.6; 292 Paul Dudzinski 74.6.

Standings in the Grand Aggregate as of this afternoon have been listed. Glynn Barnett, OGRE, leads with 470.64, one point ahead of Richard Jeens and John Warburton. Canadians in the top 300 are: 11. Jim Paton 466.69; 175 Serge Bissonnette 457.51; 215 Paul Dudzinski 456.41; 231 Renee Paquette 455.42; 258 Scott Mirray 454.39;  300 Cheryl Hearn 452.37.

Tomorrow, is the first Stage of H.M. The Queen's Prize, and the last long range match in the Grand.

I have been remiss in not mentioning the F Class events, in which we have one individual firing F/TR, Francis Bezeau. The NRA has not been swift in posting results, with some even from Sunday still missing. Francis came 4th in the F/TR Grand Aggregate. Today, the F Class St. George's Final and Farquharson Final (renamed this year in honour of the late George Farquharson) are being fired. I'll try to summarise more of the results tomorrow.

Here is a scan of the 2015 Team photo. I'm afraid it's not very high res, but I hope you can recognise who is who!

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