Saturday, July 4, 2015

Saturday 4th July. Greetings to all our friends in the USA!

It's been very warm at Bisley all this week, with temperatures reaching record levels in the UK on Wednesday. Last night there were some thundershowers, and it is a little cooler today.

The members of the Team have been gathering during the past few days. Daniel Chisholm arrived at around noon on Friday and was immediately pressed into service as a Coach in the match against the North London in the afternoon.

There had not been much time for practice, especially in team shooting, so the assignments for the match were somewhat ad hoc in nature! We had one team of eight shooters, along with a full complement of coaches and plotters. The North London put out two teams, both filled with strong and experience shooters. The wind on Stickledown was quite variable from the right all afternoon. All in all, the match was a good work-out for our shooters and coaches. We began reasonably well at 900 yards, but conditions at 1000 yards were quite challenging and betrayed our lack of previous work.

The results were:
1. NLRC "B", 752.69; 2. NLRC "A", 751.63; 3. Canada, 738.56. Our scorer was Scott Murray with 96.10, followed by Cheryl Hearn 95.8.

In the evening, the NLRC were our hosts for dinner at the Club. As always, this was a most pleasant occasion. Some commendably brief remarks were made, with awards and souvenirs being exchanged.

This morning, one group left quite early for matches in Yorkshire today and tomorrow. As I write this, the second group for the match against Wales at Yoxter in Somerset is preparing to depart. All are due to return on Monday, when I'll report next.

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